Kid´s Concert at Bad Homburger Schlosskonzerte
VerQuer crosses borders: This modern flute quartet combines classics, jazz, latin, tango, contemporary music and much more within one concert.
With all kinds of flutes from piccolo to contra bass flute and miscellanous percussion Katrin Gerhard, Daniel Agi, Britta Roscher und Maximilian Zelzner since 1999 conquer the audience´s sympathies.
Whether they turn into a rock band by fluteboxing and rough sounds or mutate to a marching band from the Balkans by breakneck fast solos - their furios and chameleonic mix offers variety for ears and eyes. Get infected by the joyous playing of VerQuer and follow them on the quartet´s new paths of 21th century music!
The next concerts:
Concert at Mozartfest Würzburg
Press Comments
„… Amazement and applause from the audience…“
(Süddeutsche Zeitung)

„… joy from enormous technical experiments and musical playfulness...“
(Frankfurter Rundschau)

„Verquer flute quartet appeared to be outstandig and was a credit to it´s name…“
(Wochenblatt Seeheim-Jugenheim)